Assessment Centre

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AC is the most reliable selection method since it definitely provides the most comprehensive picture of candidates’ competences.

Assessment Centre (AC, Integrated Assessment) is an advanced, multi-dimensional method of recruitment, which enables to carry out a comprehensive assessment of candidates in terms of the requirements of a specific job. Assessment Centre allows to verify the desired personality competences, professional skills and knowledge in a reliable and objective way.

Assessment Centre sessions consist of sets of individual or group exercises and simulations that the participants undergo. The tasks are adjusted to real professional situations and actions performed every day by a person at a given position. Each Assessment Centre session is designed individually for a certain professional profile.

Assessment Centre projects carried out by the W&BS team include:

  • Creating a competence profile for a given position, specifying so-called „core competences”, i.e. skills of key importance for a company”,
  • Creating proprietary tools that verify competences,
  • Choosing the appropriate set of tasks and organising an Assessment Centre session,
  • Analysing the level of potential employees’ professional competences and matching the company’s organisational culture,
  • Assessment and recommendations developed by qualified assessors,
  • Summarising the results of the Assessment Centre sessions in the form of reports.

W&BS Personnel Consulting performs the following tasks in the Assessment Centre sessions:

  • “In basket” tasks, i.e. the tasks most similar to duties involved in a specific job,
  • Analysing particular cases / problems – ”case studies”,
  • Simulation tasks (simulations of „difficult discussions” with customers, employees, superiors, etc.),
  • Group discussions,
  • Presentations and speeches,
  • Role plays,
  • Samples of work,
  • Team tasks,
  • „Fact finding” tasks (determining information basing on the given information),
  • Interviews summarising AC sessions.
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